World News

PM Modi to inaugurate Kanpur Metro stretch, to address students at IIT

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the completed part of the Kanpur Metro Rail project in the city of Kanpur Uttar polles Uttar and attended the convocation ceremony from the Indian Technology (IIT) Institute on Tuesday, his office has announced.

The length of the new 9 km stretched from Iit-Kanpur to Moti Jheel in the city.

According to the Prime Minister’s office (PMO), PM Modi will also travel from the IIT Metro station to Geeta Nagar after the inauguration.

The entire length of the Metro Kanpur train project is 32 km and is being built at a cost of more than ₹ 11,000 Crore.

At the 54th convocation ceremony of IIT Kanpur, all students will issue a digital degree through technology driven by Blockchain in-House developed at the Institute under the National Blockchain Project.

The Prime Minister will launch a Blockchain-based digital title, which can be verified globally and cannot be implied.

After this, PM Modi is also scheduled to inaugurate a multi-pank multi-product project for 356km long. The project has a capacity of around 3.45 million metric tons per year, according to the PMO statement.

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