
Mini Lockdown Imposed in Delhi: Check Kejriwal Govt’s Latest Guidelines For Bars, Restaurants

Delhi Lockdown Latest News Today: When new cases Omicron continues to increase, the Kejrianwi government on Tuesday imposed mini locking in the national capital and issued a list of fresh restrictions on bars and restaurants including other business companies

In fresh guidelines, Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) on Tuesday said the restaurant will be permitted with a capacity of 50 percent from 8am to 10 nights while the bar can also operate with the same capacity, but from 12 noon to 10 nights.

DDMA also ordered the closure of schools, colleges, cinemas and fitness centers with direct effects and restrictions imposed on store functions and public transportation as a yellow warning ringed under the Responses (GRAP) action plan.

Apart from this, cinema room, banquet room, spa, fitness center, outdoor yoga activities, amusement parks, stadia, swimming pool, school, college and educational institutions will not be allowed if the ‘yellow’ standby is heard.

The Delhi government said that private offices could function with up to 50 percent of staff.

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