World News

India abstains in UN Human Rights Council vote on Russia-Ukraine crisis

India has been abstained in voting in the UN Human Rights Council who has decided to immediately form an independent international demand commission as a result of the Russian invasion to Ukraine.

47 Board members voted on the draft resolution on the human rights situation in Ukraine. This resolution was adopted with 32 supporting votes, two against (Russia and Eritrea) and 13 abstencies, including India, China, Pakistan, Sudan and Venezuela.

The UN General Assembly this week preferred to demand Russia for “completely and unconditional” withdraw all of its military forces from the Ukrainian region. India Abstain at resolution, which received 141 votes support, five fight and a total of 35 abstencies.

Indian envoys for the UN Tirumue have provided a voice explanation (EOV) which puts the reason behind India’s attitude in this matter.

In his EOV, India called on the return to the diplomatic path and respected the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the country.

It is interesting for all those who care to immediately stop violence and hostility and refer to the conversation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the same President Putin.

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