World News

Supreme Court-appointed panel was against repealing 3 farm laws

The panel appointed by the Supreme Court to study three agricultural laws, which was discarded by the parliament in November last year, recommended that the three legislates should not be revoked by saying that they would benefit farmers.


The report, submitted to the APEX court on March 19, 2021, was published on Monday.


The three members also suggested many changes in laws, including providing freedom to countries to create a legal minimum support system (MSP).


Anil Ghanwat, one of the panel members, released the findings of reports at a press conference in the national capital.


“On March 19, 2021, we sent a report to the Supreme Court. We wrote a letter to the APEX court three times asking him to release a report. But we did not receive a response,” Ghanwat, who is President of Swatantra Bharat. Party, said.


Ghanwat said the committee said in his report that “the revocation or long suspension of this law will be unfair for the majority of silence that supports agricultural law”.

Of the 73 farmer organizations that made shipments to the committee, 61 representing 3.3 crore farmers supporting agricultural law, he said.

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