World News

Work-From-Home To Be A Right In This Country Soon

The Netherlands is on the verge of making work-from-house legal rights for employees. Last week, the Low Council of the Dutch parliament passed the law in this matter. European countries now need to wait for approval from the Senate.

At present, entrepreneurs in the Netherlands can refuse requests from workers about working from home without giving any reason. Under the new law, employers must consider all these requests and provide adequate reasons to reject it.

“This allows them to find a better balance of work life and reduce the time spent on traveling,” said Senna Maatoug of the Groenlinks party, reporting Wall Street Journal. Maatoug is one of the writers with the bill.

This new bill is a amendment to the Dutch flexible work actions in 2015, which allows workers to ask for changes in working hours, schedules, and even their workplaces.

The Netherlands has been highly respected because of the rights of its workers.

This new law came when the company struggled around the world to bring workers back to the office.

While some companies have been accommodating in bringing their employees back, others such as salesforce have largely eliminated the office in the office completely.

Some other people, such as Tesla, still have employees who are forced to return to the office. Founder and CEO of Tesla Elon Musk has warned employees that they can return to work or leave the company.

For Dutch companies, new laws are not expected to be as controversial. With 14 percent of the workforce who had worked remotely two years before Pandemi, according to Eurostat, revenue revenue was far higher in the lowlands.

But laws and regulations must catch up as long distance jobs have seen a significant increase since Covid-19 in 2020.

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