Health : drinking lemon is as beneficial

Lemons have more benefits than what you see. The fruit can be a great match with your favourite meals however, it also has remarkable health benefits. Lemons are a great source of nutrients that aid in weight loss and even have been associated with kidney stone prevention and treatment for cancer!

Nutrition Facts of Lemon

Lemons contain a variety of nutrients and vitamins that give you a boost to your body’s immune system:

  • Vitamin C lemons can be an excellent food source for Vitamin C that boosts immunity, fights infections heals wounds, and many more. A single lemon contains around 31 milligrams of Vitamin C according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s FoodData Central. The daily recommended intake is 90 mg for males and 75 mg for females.
  • Calcium Lemons are rich in calcium. Calcium is essential in the functioning of muscles and hormone release as well as vascular contraction. many more.
  • Potassium Lemons are rich in potassium, which aids in ensuring that muscles and nerves function properly.
  • Folate also located in lemons and pears, folate helps fight against birth defect in the spinal cord, and assists in the formation of red blood cells.
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Benefits of Lemon Juice for Your Body

Apart from its benefits for beauty treatments and health supplement There are a myriad of other benefits of lemons. It doesn’t matter if you prefer the fruit on its own or in your morning cup of tea, here are some of the reasons to enjoy lemons and their juices:

Reduces the pain of irritation in the throat.

Warm water infused with lemon and honey is a well-known home remedy for those suffering from sore throats. The combination may provide relief for an aching throat in the cold weather. The Vitamin C contained in lemons helps in the effort.

Might help prevent and in the fight against cancer.

Research has proven that lemons offer anti-cancer effects. The chemical composition of lemons could help to prevent oral tumors from growing, according to one study. Other studies have linked citrus fruits and their juices with antitumor properties.

Even the chemicals found in the peels of citrus fruits are being studied as potential anticancer agents.

Reduces the risk of kidney stones.

The juice of lemons is proven to prevent kidney stones by increasing the citrate levels of urine. Citrate bonds to calcium, which can prevent kidney stones from developing.

Aids in digestion.

The pulp and peel of lemons have a insoluble fiber, called pectin. It helps in digestion enzymes within the liver, which aids in eliminating the body of waste.

Fruits that are high in fiber can help maintain regularity and reduce the chance of constipation.

helps regulate blood sugar.

Fruits that contain fiber can help to keep your blood sugar level in check which can prevent the increase. This may reduce the risk of developing diabetes or can assist people who suffer from diabetes to manage their condition.

Helps to lose weight.

The pectin content in lemons and their juice makes you feel fuller longer this makes weight loss easier to manageable.

Research has shown that increasing the intake of fiber particularly from sources with low density such as fruit, could result in a decrease in total body mass and weight loss.

Helps clear skin.

Lemons contain natural antibacterial properties and alphahydroxyl acids similar to many acne medicines available over the counter. They can lighten and exfoliate as well as help get rid of blackheads. It is also believed to help stop bad breath and rid of dandruff by applying it on the hair.

There is Vitamin C in lemons also stimulates collagen synthesis, a further benefit for your skin.

How to Add Lemon Water to Your Day

Water with lemon in the early morning.

If you prefer adding lemon juice into your water to enhance the flavor or for another reason, there’s no right or wrong way to do it. The addition of lemon juice to water can help you start your day with a bang. A one or two cups of warm water along with lemon juice can help improve digestion and ease heartburn while also stimulating your stomach’s production of bile as well as acid. Water and lemon juice also can be used as a substitute for coffee, as it will provide the same energy boost, but without the jitters or crash at midday.

The evening is a good time to drink lemon water.

Drinking warm water and lemon before going to bed, especially after a spicy or heavy meal, may aid in digestion and aid in sleeping.

But, it is important to stay clear of drinking too much water prior to bedtime because it can cause you to wake up at evening to go to the bathroom. This can make it difficult to have a good night’s rest.

When drinking lemon water, make sure you use straws or clean your teeth immediately after, since lemons can cause enamel loss in your teeth.

“The quantity of lemon water recommended varies by person,” says Tessa Wellmon, RD, Dietician registered working at UPMC Hamot. “Somebody who isn’t suffering from any adverse effects can drink several glasses per every day. However, if you’ve been told that it’s damaging the teeth’s enamel, or you are experiencing heartburn, it’s the best to avoid it and ensure that you are diluting it using more water.”

Possible Disadvantages of Lemon

It’s possible to consume too many lemons. According to the American Dental Association says too excessive citrus consumption can damage the enamel of your teeth, increasing your chances of getting tooth decay. Also, it can cause irritation to mouth sores.

Citrus can also cause issues for people suffering from gastroesophageal illness (GERD).

Another risk could be bacteria. One National Environmental Health Association study looked at lemons placed on edge of glasses in restaurants. The study found that 70% from the tested lemons had bacteria.

These risks shouldn’t hinder people from drinking water with lemons, Wellmon says.

“There isn’t necessarily a limit to how much lemon water you drink in a day,” she declares, “as long as it isn’t causing ill effects, such as weakening the enamel on your teeth or causing heartburn.”

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