
TRP Full Form: What is TRP?

TRP Full Form: A Television Rating Point (TRP) measures the percentage of households with televisions tuned to a specific program at a particular time. This term is used widely in countries such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, India, and Singapore.

TV Ratings: TRP Full Form

According to Statista, the average TV rating in the US is 7.67, while the global average is 34.55. TRP measures the number of people watching a particular program. It is calculated by dividing the number of viewers by the total number of TV sets in the country. A higher TRP indicates a higher viewership rate. In contrast, TV ratings often exclude factors like online streaming or mobile viewership.

TRP || Full Form of TRP

Reliance News reported that TRP data is not available in the Windows Store. Microsoft stated that users could access TRP information through internet-connected devices by visiting Although the original program name may not be available, users can still access the source data. TRP Full Form

TRP and People Meter

People meters have long been used for television ratings, though they were initially manual and limited in scope. Modern people meters now cover a broader population, including large cities and rural areas. These high-tech devices, often using lasers, are connected to TV sets to accurately determine the number of viewers, significantly improving data accuracy. TRP Full Form

TRP and Advertisers

TRP is crucial for determining advertising revenue. Advertisers prefer placing their ads on programs with high TRPs to reach a larger audience and justify higher ad rates. This makes TRP a vital factor in the financial success of television channels, with cable operators and advertisers being the primary revenue sources. TRP Full Form

The TRP Process: TRP Full Form

TRP data is collected using “people meters,” devices that monitor TV ratings for over 50 million people worldwide. These meters determine the actual viewership of TV shows using data mining techniques and algorithms like the Fibonacci Code. The resulting TV ratings are then relayed back to the people meters.


For example, the show “Yeh Meri Life Hai” experienced a dramatic TRP increase from 0.3 to 2.6 in just two days when a popular actor returned. This underscores the importance of viewership numbers in determining TRP, highlighting its significance in the television industry. TRP Full Form

FAQs about TRP Full Form

What is the full form of TRP?

TRP stands for Television Rating Point.

How is TRP calculated?

TRP is calculated by dividing the number of people watching a particular program by the total number of TV sets in the country.

What is the difference between TRP and TV ratings?

TRP measures the percentage of households watching a specific program at a given time, while TV ratings often exclude factors like online streaming and mobile viewership.

How do people meters work for measuring TRP?

People meters are high-tech devices connected to TV sets that use lasers to determine the number of viewers. These devices collect data using algorithms to provide accurate TRP measurements.

Why is TRP important for advertisers?

TRP helps determine advertising revenue by indicating the popularity of programs. Advertisers prefer placing ads on high-TRP shows to reach larger audiences and maximize their return on investment.

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