
WPC Full Form: What is WPC?

WPC Full Form: WPC stands for “Wood-Plastic Composites,” but it also has many other full forms. Below, we list all the full forms of WPC along with their Hindi meanings.

WPC Full Form:
  • Wood-Plastic Composites (लकड़ी-प्लास्टिक कंपोजिट)
  • Water Pollution Control (जल प्रदूषण नियंत्रण)
All WPC Full Form with Hindi meanings
Wood-Plastic Composites
लकड़ी-प्लास्टिक कंपोजिट
Water Pollution Control
जल प्रदूषण नियंत्रण
World Peace Council
विश्व शांति परिषद
Woman Police Constable (INDIA)
महिला पुलिस कांस्टेबल
Women’s Political Council
महिला राजनीतिक परिषद
World Population Conference
विश्व जनसंख्या सम्मेलन
Waste Policy Center
अपशिष्ट नीति केंद्र
Westinghouse Process Control (United State of America)
वेस्टिंगहाउस प्रक्रिया नियंत्रण
Welfare Policy Center (Hudson Institute)
कल्याणकारी नीति केंद्र
World Product Centre (New York, USA)
विश्व उत्पाद केंद्र
World Pool Championship
विश्व पूल चैम्पियनशिप
Western Power Corporation (Australia)
वेस्टर्न पावर कॉर्पोरेशन
Web Page Composer (software)
वेब पेज प्रबन्ध करनेवाला
Word Processing Center
वर्ड प्रोसेसिंग सेंटर
Work Package Concept
कार्य पैकेज अवधारणा
Workstation Processing Center
कार्य केंद्र प्रसंस्करण केंद्र
Watts Per Cell (batteries)
वाट्स प्रति सेल
Wave-Particle Correlator (Wave Science)
तरंग कण सहसंबंधक
Web Page Creator
वेब पेज निर्माता
Windows Parental Control (software)
विंडोज पेरेंटल कंट्रोल
FAQs about WPC Full Form

What is WPC?

WPC stands for “Wood-Plastic Composites” and “Water Pollution Control”.

What is the Full Form of WPC?

The full form of WPC is “Wood-Plastic Composites” and “Water Pollution Control”. There are also several other full forms.

What is the WPC Full Form in Hindi?

The full form of WPC in Hindi is:

  • “Wood-Plastic Composites” = “लकड़ी-प्लास्टिक कंपोजिट”
  • “Water Pollution Control” = “जल प्रदूषण नियंत्रण”

Is WPC safe?

Yes, WPC, or wood-plastic composites, is considered safe for home furniture according to surveys.


In conclusion, WPC (WPC Full Form) commonly stands for “Wood-Plastic Composites” and “Water Pollution Control,” among other full forms. If you found this information helpful, please share it with others.

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