
AWOL Full Form: What is AWOL?

AWOL Full Form: The abbreviation AWOL stands for multiple phrases, each with distinct meanings. Some of the most common full forms of AWOL are “A Way of Life,” “All Walks of Life,” and “Another Way of Living.” Below, we’ll explore these and other meanings of AWOL, including their Hindi translations.

Primary Full Forms of AWOL

AWOL is commonly used to represent the following: AWOL Full Form

  • A Way of Life
  • All Walks of Life
  • Another Way of Living

However, AWOL can also stand for “Australian Way of Life” and “A Work of Love.” The table below lists several full forms of AWOL along with their Hindi meanings. AWOL Full Form

All AWOL Full Forms and Their Hindi Meanings
Full Form Hindi Meaning
A Way of Life जीवन का एक रास्ता
All Walks of Life जीवन के सभी क्षेत्रों में
Another Way of Living जीने का एक और तरीका
Australian Way of Life जीवन का ऑस्ट्रेलियाई तरीका
A Work of Love प्यार का एक काम
Absent Without Official Leave आधिकारिक छुट्टी के बिना अनुपस्थित
Acting Workshop On-Line एक्टिंग वर्कशॉप ऑन लाइन
Auto Week OnLine ऑटो वीक ऑनलाइन
Argumentative While On Lead नेतृत्व पर तर्क
A World of Learning सीखने की दुनिया
Absent Without Authorized Leave बिना अधिकृत अवकाश के अनुपस्थित
American Way of Life अमेरिकी लोगों का जीवन का तरीका
Common Questions About AWOL Full Form

What is the Full Form of AWOL?

The full forms of AWOL include “A Way of Life,” “All Walks of Life,” and “Another Way of Living.”

What does AWOL stand for?

AWOL can stand for “Australian Way of Life” and “A Work of Love.”

What is the Full Form of AWOL in Hindi?

In Hindi, AWOL can be translated as “Argumentative While On Lead,” which means “नेतृत्व पर तर्क.”

Is AWOL a slang term?

No, AWOL is not slang. It also stands for “Absent Without Official Leave.”


We have explored various full forms of AWOL in both English and Hindi. The most commonly used meanings include “A World of Learning,” “A Work of Love,” and “A Way of Life.” Each of these full forms illustrates the versatility of the acronym AWOL, showcasing its application in different contexts. AWOL Full Form

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