
Abdul Kalam Quotes in English: Best 60 Inspiring Thoughts

Abdul Kalam Quotes in English: Hello everyone! Welcome back to our website, AllSafal. In today’s article, we’re excited to share with you some of the most inspiring quotes by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. These 60 powerful quotes offer valuable lessons and motivation to help us all move forward in life. Dr. Abdul Kalam, affectionately known as the “Missile Man” of India, has left us with a legacy of wisdom that can inspire tremendous positive change in our lives.

Biography of APJ Abdul Kalam

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam was born on October 15, 1931, in Rameswaram, located in what was then Madras and is now Tamil Nadu. A brilliant mind, Dr. Kalam pursued aerospace engineering and worked relentlessly to achieve his goals.

His journey wasn’t easy; there was a time when he had to sell his sister’s gold bangles to pay his college fees. Despite the challenges, he rose to become one of India’s most respected figures, earning the title of “Missile Man” for his pivotal role in the country’s missile development programs. He also served as the 11th President of India, earning widespread admiration for his humility and vision. Abdul Kalam Quotes in English

Dr. Kalam was honored with several prestigious awards, including the Padma Bhushan in 1981 and India’s highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna, in 1997.

For more about his life and work, you can visit his official website:

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam passed away on July 27, 2015, but his inspirational words continue to resonate with millions around the world.

APJ Abdul Kalam Quotes in English

The ‘dream-thought-action’ philosophy is what I would like to be inculcated in each every student

Creativity is seeing the same thing as everybody else, but thinking of out of the Box solutions

” Quality leaders are like magnets, they attract the best people “

Creativity leadership is exercising the task change the traditional role from commander to coach, from manager to mentor, from director to delegator and from one demands respect to one who facilitates self respect

” It is a disgrace to not the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for

A good book is a source of great knowledge and wealth for many generations

” Dream, dream, dream

Your dreams will transform into thoughts

Thoughts lead to honest work, work result in actions and you will succeed

” Success is possible only when we have a commitment to action “

” while moral leadership requires people to do the right things, entrepreneurial leadership requires people to acquire the habit of doing things right

” Connectivity is strength connectivity is wealth connectivity is progress

” Perception of disability lies in the mind

” When learning is purposeful, creativity blossoms when creativity blossoms thinking emanates, when thinking emanates knowledge is lit, when knowledge is lit the nation progress

” With determined efforts you can always succeed against established beliefs

Abdul Kalam Quotes in English

” Always be ready to walk the unexplored path “

” A great mind and a great heart go together

” You will be remembered for creating a page in the history of the nation “

” Enlightened citizenship has three components: education with value system, religion transforming into spiritual force, and creating economic prosperity through development

” one cannot stop at thinking and asking questions. There is need to act to solve the problems and that requires hard work and perseverance

” Creativity and imagination of the human mind would always be superior to any computer

” Beautiful mind are the source of creativity

” Creativity is the foundation of human thinking and will always be at the highest end of the value chain

” Every mind is creative, every mind is inquisitive

” The precious asset of a country is the skill, ingenuity and imagination of its people

” The is progress non thinking is destruction thinking leads to action “

” Knowledge without action is useless and irrelevant, Knowledge with action brings prosperity “

” What was thought impossible has happened and what is thought possible has not yet happened but it certainly will happen”

” Conscience is a great ledger where our offences are booked and registered

” Hard work and perseverance are beautiful angles who will reside on your shoulders”

” An ignited mind is the most powerful resource on the earth, above the earth and under the earth”

” In a society we have to build righteousness among all its constituent”

” The twenty-first century is about the management of all the knowledge and information we have generated and the value addition that we can bring to it “

” Science and spiritualism seek the same divine blessings for doing good for the people”

” Enlightened leadership is all about empowerment”

” In whatever field we work, we have to remain in the service of the common man whose well being is central to all human knowledge and endeavor”

” Our righteous toil is our guiding light if we work hard we all can prosper nurture great thoughts rise up in actions May righteous methods be our guide”

” Teachers themselves should be lifelong learners”

” A virtuous man alone can use the instrument of conscience”

” I believe there is no other profession in the world that is more important to society than that of a teacher”

” Encourage all children to dream for the themselves. Unless they have dreams they will not be motivated to attain them”

” The higher the proportion of creative leaders in a nation, higher the potential of Success of vision like” Developed India”

” Education is an endless journey through knowledge and enlightenment”

” Can we make an education system which will retain the smiles on the faces of our children?

Abdul Kalam Quotes in English

” It is through the process of innovation that knowledge is converted into wealth”

” Learning gives creativity, Creativity leads to thinking, Thinking provides knowledge, Knowledge make you great”

” The education system has a tremendous responsibility to transform a child into a leader- the transformation from ‘ What can you do for me’ to ‘ What can I do for you”

” The most important part of education is to imbibe among the students the spirit of ” we can do it”

” The three key societal members who can make a difference are father, mother and teacher”

” Once thought, children become conscious keepers”

” Education and values imported in childhood are more important than the education received in college and university”

” A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle”

” Conscience is the divine light of the soul that burns within the chambers of our psychological heart”

” A teacher is life lights many lamps”

” What matters in this life more than winning for ourselves, is helping others win”

” When a leader empowers the people, such leaders are created who can change the course of the nation itself”

” The convergence of science and technology with spirituality is touted to be the future for both science and technology, and spirituality”

” Coming into contact with a good book and possessing it is an everlasting enrichment of life”

” Give one cannot hour a day exclusive for book reading and in a few years you will become knowledge center”

” Science is all about asking questions and finding the right answer through hard work and research into laws of nature”

” Music is a great communication and language can never be a barrier”

Abdul Kalam Quotes in English

” Keep asking questions till you get satisfactory answer”

” Authors act as conscience keepers of the society”

” Learning needs freedom to think and freedom to imagine, and both have to be facilitated by the teacher”

” A combination of knowledge, enthusiasm and hard work of the youth is a great dynamic fire for transforming the nation”

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