
Why You Need To Disable The Algorithmic Feed On Facebook

The algorithm goes hand in hand with social media. Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and LinkedIn, all have a system to get user eyeballs about what they want to see. However, not everyone agrees with this practice. Some users prefer to have control over what they see. Recently, Facebook introduced changes to give users a little more control over their posting in their timeline. The Verge reported that this was a response by the platform to criticize the tendency of their news bait to strengthen negative content to increase user involvement.

With Facebook, you don’t have an option to fully delete news bait from your account, but there is a way to deactivate it by transferring the default algorithmic news feed to the chronological. Chronological feed, or the “most recent” tab, ranking the new post from your connection first. They have also implemented tweaks like the “Favorite” tab which shows a post from up to 30 friends and the selected page to give you more control over what you see (via Tech Crunch). However, home news bait is still default, and you will only get access to others when you enter (via Facebook).

So why do you have to turn off your algorithm -based news bait?

You need an escape

When the algorithm is on, you submit it to Facebook to decide what you see every time you open a browser. In 2018, Facebook made changes to the algorithm to show you more posts from friends and family, and less than publishers and brands. The company prioritizes involvement, the ranking of the post which gets a lot of attention in the feed. However, this post is also responsible for strengthening people. Writing where people comment and react are more likely to be seen as offensive to incite strong emotions, or both (through the Washington Post)

By taking the algorithm, you set aside yourself from the potential to see things that might make you feel stressed or upset. Who is saying, the feed of everyone on Facebook is really different and is intended to be cured for their interests. If you watch cute puppies and cats online, there’s no way you will see a lot of inflammatory content. However, if you change your tab from an algorithm based on an algorithm into a chronological bait, it makes you look at less attractive content, you may not tend to go to the platform, and start to live more of your life-real life, ie.

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